Trust and Divinity!

Last night I got a phone call at 5 pm from the transplant coordinator at Dana Farber.  Today was supposed to be my first day in getting ready for the transplant and then Friday I was being admitted to the hospital.  That all changed with one phone call as my brother had a cold last week and his white count is still not where it needs to be to start the process on his end.  I can not even begin to share the intricacies of this process, they do not leave any t uncrossed which is a comfort as well as a curse.  This news shook me to my core as I was READY.  It is like preparing for a race, you prepare mentally and physically, then you are ready to go.  I sat back in my chair, my face white as a ghost and I looked at my dad…”they are icing the kicker.”  LOL

I took a few deep breaths for the panic to set free and got myself grounded.  After I settled, I realized that just last week I wrote a post about trusting the flow of the river, releasing all resistance and trusting in divinity.  I was reminded in the order of patience during manifesting for the highest good of all those involved with this process.  So this now becomes an opportunity to put this into practice.  As I was definitely disappointed in the change of plans, I have to trust that this is part of Gods divine plan and that it will serve all of us in the most appropriate way for highest good.  Once I embraced this thought I felt a strong flow of peace enter my body, although there was a very small part  of my ego still trying to take space – this should be on my time.  I consider it a victory when you can tell the difference between Gods guidance and the mortal mind/ ego.  It simply gets easier each time and the ego voice becomes softer and softer, till eventually there is no distraction.  Your soul is filled with love and there is no opportunity to allow fear into your experience as it will just make the water murky, allowing emotions such as frustration, anger to fill the pool.  Now I am just taking this time to work on my vision board and get a few more things done till we get the new dates.  I have followed Gods lead, right down to the research that helped in this decision.  I will continue to follow his lead and enjoy this time.  I have no doubt that I will look back, as I have numerous times before, and say wow the timing really worked out for our best interest.

So last night as I was doing some reading as I was preparing for bed, and I came across an article about limiting beliefs.  It couldn’t have been more appropriate to support the journey of the night.  When we try to force or run the show entirely, we end up creating many boundaries which limits our beliefs instead of flourishing them with infinite possibilities.  Limiting beliefs may be learned or influenced from school,work, family, or a number of sources.  These limitations not only make you feel frustrated and confused, they often keep you stuck in a place where you can not manifest the experiences you really want.  In addition, holding on to the way you believe it should look.  There are two parts in manifesting: calling upon what experience you would like to bring into your life through emotion, and then sealing it with the intention of divine timing for the highest good for all involved.  Again, going back to flowing down the river (divinity) and manifesting (the boat/vessel).

The first step in moving ahead is recognizing what your limiting beliefs may be and how they are effecting your life.  Unfortunately, many limiting beliefs feel so normal that we no longer even notice them.  Clearing out limiting beliefs is just as easy as inviting a new thought into your reality.  It takes time, recognition, and patience.  Once we bring forward our awareness it sets us free and we feel lighter in our soul.  Here are a list of the most common limiting beliefs.  None of these may apply to you, but it just may give you an idea of how to look into your life to set yourself free of some road hazards you may have created and continue to create.

Limiting Beliefs: taken right from the article. ” 10 Limiting Beliefs to Let Go Of”

LB: I am too OLD.

New, empowering thought: I am right on time. I am ready now.

LB: It is better to give then receive.

New thought: It is just as good to give as it is to open your heart and receive.

LB: No Pain, No Gain

New thought: You can get everything you want easily and joyfully if it is in your best interest.

LB: Money is the root of all evil

New Thought: Money is neither good nor bad; it is just an energy of exchange.

LB: I am not capable/I can’t handle this

New Thought: I can do this. If I don’t have the knowledge, someone will enter my life to show me how.

LB: You have to work hard to make money, even if that means working at a job that you dislike

New Thought: Work can be joyful and easy. Money can come from many different sources in many ways.”

So you can see in the above examples, it can simply be the way we believe through utilizing old thoughts that may be blocking a new way of thinking.  Old thoughts can easily hold us prisoner to our ego, which loves to keep us wrapped in boundaries, instead of being free.  Take this time to reflect on your life.  How can we replace old thoughts with new beliefs that will give us new vitality.

As I await for the new transplant dates, I ask that you keep me in your prayers in preparation for this time so that it all unfolds the way it should.  I appreciate all the love and prayer chains you have connected me to and I send you much love and light. I will keep you posted on the new transplant dates as soon as I get them.

The article on Limiting beliefs was a great one and I encourage you to take a moment to read it as it may offer insight to guide you through fields of confusion.



Many BLessings,



  1. Hey Hol, thinking of you and sending love and light! Your stories give me hope, as we are currently waiting for a liver transplant for my mom. Completely different, yet a similar roller coaster of emotions for our family. I hope you get your dates soon! Xoxoxo


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