Day +2

Today is called Day +2, meaning 2 days post transplant.  What a journey…It puts a smile on my face to think that my brother has saved my life.  I think of our childhood and the typical brother sister stuff…yeah I tortured him and he tortured me….then Jeff came into the mix and it was a free for all!  I am sure none of us ever thought we would be here.  The transplant itself was a very special moment and as I mentioned in the previous post I will never forget it.

Yesterday when “the Team” came in to see us they told us that they need to get 2 million cells to have a successful transplant which is why sometimes they need to take cells for 2 days.  They hope for 5 million bc that just makes it even more successful.  Drum roll…….Shad donated 8 million cells to me.  I have been praying for their integration as right now we are in the engraftment period which will last another 2 weeks.  Keep us in your prayers as so far we have all done great!
During the transplant on Thursday, right before they hooked up the lines, I got really nervous. Tad and my mom were amazing, but all the Potentials came flooding forward and I was working with loving thoughts to stay grounded in truth.  The nurse that was doing the transplant asked me if I ever saw the move “The Secret”.  If you have not seen it, it is an amazing book/movie that is based on the laws of physics.  Where you ask for or “manifest” and the more you visualize it the more you bring it into your life.  I have read the book and seen the movie a dozen times, so I thought I knew where she was going until she said do you remember when they talked about the stop sign.  Not once do I remember seeing this in the book or the movie.  She went on to explain that when you start having “mortal/egoic” thoughts envision a stop sign bc it is so engrained into our subconscious to immediately stop.  So I did and right away my physiological signs starting to taper down.  My heart rate went back to normal and I closed my eyes just visualizing all his cells becoming my cells as we are one.  Shad and I are the same blood type so I just kept envisioning this strong A POS  an A+ for us both.
Yesterday when Dr. Soiffer came to visit (transplant doc) he started describing the next 2 weeks with some side effects, potential concerns, etc etc and with my left ear I heard Tad say “STOP SIGN”.  Dr. Soiffer probably thinks he has turrets, but it was so funny that I immediately remembered that he is not the authority…God it and once again I was grounded.
I feel really good today and I ask for your continued prayers over the next few weeks!  I look forward to seeing you all soon and celebrating this amazing milestone in life!!
Much love and light!


  1. Im thinking of you Holly and how brave of a person you are. You truly are amazing and I can’t wait to see you when you are past this stage of your journey.
    I want you to know that your courage is always on my mind and is part of how I handle how I react to things. You’re an inspiration and I love you Holly!! See you soon!!!


  2. I LOVE THIS POST. Even more than that, I love your positivity and intention to keep things submitted to God’s authority and NOT the authority of man. BRILLIANT!

    Did you know that the number 8 represents NEW BEGINNINGS?!?!?!? Praise Jesus for His beauty over you!


  3. Love this post Holly and what a wonderful nurse to provide such perfect timely encouragement that is so grounding:-) I don’t remember the stop sign either!

    Love flowing your way and healing vibes ~;~ Susan 🙂


  4. Although we have not met, Holly, you are such an inspiration and this post affirms that whatever we need is supplied at just the right moment in time.

    I’ll be sending healing thoughts and prayers your way and may you be returned to your radiant state of perfection!

    With love and blessings,

    Robyn ~


  5. Dearest Holly~ Sending you bright Rainbows and much laughter on your road to recovery! You are so lucky to have such a loving brother and his support of you getting well~ Love and Brightness to you my Dear~



  6. Dear Holly
    I love your write up & feel your courage strength & positivity May your journey towards a new wholeness be blessed and filled with illuminations & new understandings You will have so many insights to pass onto others
    My love & healing thoughts are with you every step of the way xxxx Tamayra in Oz xxxx


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